AZA Accreditation

On March 26, 2020, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited Lubee Bat Conservancy for the fifth consecutive time. To ensure that Lubee continues to meet the AZA’s ever-rising standards, the accreditation process included a detailed application and meticulous on-site inspection by a team of trained zoo and aquarium professionals. Every five years, the team inspects animal care procedures, veterinary programs, keeper training, staff, visitor safety, conservation efforts, financial stability, risk management and more.
“It takes hard work and dedication to meet the Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s standards,” said AZA President and CEO Jim Maddy. “By meeting the highest standards, Lubee Bat Conservancy has shown it is ranked among the best in the world [and] is a true leader in wildlife conservation.”
Read the AZA Press Release here. (Please note that AZA membership recently voted to make the change allowing for Certified Related Facilities to be recognized as Accredited Facilities).
Founded in 1924, the AZA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, animal welfare, education, science and recreation. Moreover, the AZA is the accrediting body for the top zoos and aquariums in eight countries, including the United States. To learn more, visit www.aza.org.
As an AZA Accredited Facility, you can be assured that you are investing in a trusted organization worthy of supporting.